Working with RFMOs to conserve tuna stocks and their ocean ecosystems through sponsored workshops, direct advocacy, and capacity-building
Employing sound science to attain maximum sustainable yields of targeted tuna stocks by supporting RFMO science bodies, convening leading scientists to address research challenges, and communicating results
Striving to eliminate illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) tuna fishing by implementing the use of Unique Vessel Identifiers (UVIs), mandating 100 percent observer coverage for purse seine vessels selling to ISSF Participating Companies, and testing the viability of electronic monitoring systems
Minimizing bycatch, discards, and abandoned gear through extensive research on fishing strategies and technologies, mandating 100 percent retention of all tuna and bycatch for purse seine vessels selling to ISSF Participating Companies, and other measures
Collecting and exchanging data to promote better scientific understanding of tuna stocks by sponsoring workshops, side events, and meetings (as well as the individual participation of participants from developing countries) regarding a variety of issues, bringing together scientists, environmentalists, vessel owners, and fishers