Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC)

IOTC was formally established in 1993. The objective of the Commission is to promote cooperation among its members with a view to ensuring, through appropriate management, the conservation and optimum utilization of stocks covered by this Agreement and encouraging sustainable development of fisheries based on such stocks. IOTC manages the transboundary stock of southern bluefin tuna in coordination with the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT).

The Scientific Committee advises the Commission and sub-commissions on research and data collection, on the status of stocks and on management issues. As with other tuna RFMOs, separate subgroups composed of CPC country scientists conduct research on specific areas of interest to the Commission. Both Commission and Scientific Committee meetings take place on an annual basis. Binding Conservation and management measures for CPCs are usually adopted by consensus of all Members in a Commission meeting.

Members of the Commission must provide available and accessible statistical information on catch, effort, and sizes as well as information on bycatch and other affected non-target species.

Detailed information on the organization and full text resolutions and measures can be found at