Identifying Seabirds

Although it is difficult to identify seabirds at the species level without experience, it is important to at least attempt to identify any seabirds you accidentally catch. To do so, use the ACAP Seabird bycatch identification guide (which is available in several languages).

If you are unable to identify them at the species level, then record them to group level—for example, great albatross, petrel, etc. Take photographs to include with the data to be reported to the national authorities or corresponding RFMO.

See the instructions below, taken from the ACAP Seabird Identification guide, for how to photograph bycaught seabirds. If possible, also take a few feathers (pluck them out; do not cut with scissors) to send for testing to determine the species.

How to photograph bycaught birds (from Seabird Bycatch Identification Guide, updated August 2015. ACAP Secretariat and National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries)